Monday, August 31, 2015

Body Prop & Ring Junction

Kristie and I are continuing to make our way around the gym. This post will feature footage of the body prop and ring junction.

The body prop and I are not good friends. I can get my body in position, hold it, and move a few steps. I need to get my feet higher.

The ring junction and I are becoming fast friends. It has four rings. Our goal is to go back and forth as many times as possible before our hands scream for release. Kristie and I have good form and momentum. I am proud of our work on the ring junction. (Coach is too!)

We are also working on the cargo net. Kristie is a beast and can climb over the net. Me? Not so much. I can get my right arm over and I have the bruises to prove it. We will keep working on it. Kristie doesn’t put up with my lame excuses…Until next time keep ninjasizing!

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