Thursday, November 19, 2015

Achieving the Dream

I know when I started this journey I wanted to win American Ninja Warrior. Honestly what I really wanted was to stop feeling the pain of losing my babies. The pain will never vanish completely, but the bottomless pit of despair will disintegrate, has disintegrated.
I’m living the dream. I hit rock bottom, and I picked myself up. Exercise has now become a regular part of my life. Work and my personal life have good boundaries. Coach and I are able to spend quality time together. Despite my busy schedule I am able to find time to wonder through different worlds via reading. I am attempting to have a good attitude, which colors the world a nice shade of joy. Lastly, I am able to look back and see God’s protection and faithfulness.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Thankful Heart

  1. I am thankful for our tragedy.  No, I am not glad we lost three children, but I am glad I can see the other side of tragedy. I do not know if God will grant us a family, but I know that He is with us every step of the way. It also brought me closer to God. This tragedy has made me pick myself up. I am no longer focusing on obsessing over starting a family. I am focusing on Coach and I and the present.
  2. I am thankful for my husband. Marrying my husband was one of the best days of my life. He is kind and caring. He helps me be a better person by calling me on my BS and by setting a good example. He perseveres in the face of adversity. He does not let his limitations stop him. Lastly, God gave me my soul-mate and best friend, someone to walk through life together. What else could I ask for?
  3. I am thankful for the gym. Perseverance is the most important lesson I have learned from going to the gym. Sometimes the exercises are difficult or I don’t want to participate. Rather than wimping out I am learning the importance of persevering through those challenges. As a result I am seeing progress both in my body and in conquering/making progress on the obstacles and exercise.
As we enter the holiday season, I challenge you to count your blessings daily (at least three), thank God, and once a week tell one person why you are grateful for him or her. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Blessing of Baptism

Several Sundays ago daughter number three of the Smith* family was baptized. Daughter number two did not like how she was being held, so she started crying. Daughter number one was standing and smiling. Mom and Dad were distracted with Daughter number two’s cries. Our pastor was doing his best to maintain the parents’ attention. While the scene was comical, frustrating, or both, it does not negate the importance of baptism. Daughter number three was baptized into the church. Her parents have promised to raise her in a Christian household. They hope for her faith in Christ to blossom soon.
While in my seat I was thinking about the Smith family. They have endured many hardships which include multiple miscarriages, failed adoption, and difficult pregnancies. Yet, God fulfilled their desire to have a family. He blessed them with three little girls. My heart swelled with the knowledge that God is good and will fulfill the desires of our hearts. Participating in this baptism made me realize that God will fulfill our desires to have a family too.

*Name Changed